Wednesday, September 14, 2011


It's 4:34am post-op. I woke up from my surgery to find out... I HAVE MY OVARIES STILL! The hope to freeze my eggs is still alive! I couldn't be happier about that and the fact that I have my own hospital room. My double vision stopped around 11:30pm last night. I'm in and out of sleep all the time. The pain this morning is intense. I think because things from yesterday are going away (anesthesia?). I control my pain meds with a push button that I can push every 10 minutes. The crappy part is there is not a continuos feed so when I fall asleep- no pain killer. That does not make for a pleasant awakening. In case you would like to visit, hours are from 9am-9pm and I am in room 4027. Can't keep my eyes open anymore- back to sleep!