Had a 102 temperature fever today when my mom got home from work. Called the Nurse Practitioner and they asked me to come in. Went to Kaiser Morse Avenue for lab work and then to Pointe West to see the NP. My urine was clear so they don't think it is a kidney infection, but my white blood cell count is abnormally high. They are sending me back to Morse Avenue. I'm waiting for a bed to be set up and then we're off to admitting. I'm not sure what is going to happen next. More tests I guess. I also have a rash on my tummy. I'm in a lot of intermittent intense pain.
Dodger hasn't had a good day either. Long story short, we took her back to the original vet from yesterday. Her wounds were deeper than they appeared. The puncture on her leg tore all the muscles. Pat and my dad are going to pick her up and take care of her. I'm sure the total on that bill will round out to around $2200....
Not the best day for me or my doggie. Let's hope things can only go up from here!
XOXO Britni
I'm sorry to hear you have to go back to the hospital. Hopefully you can get back home soon. It sounds like you have a wonderful team of doctors and nurses there to help. Im so glad to hear that the surgery went well and that you are surrounded by your wonderful family and friends! Please get well soon! We have you in our thoughts and prayers always.
You were such a wonderful, positive patient, your nurses missed you ,Britini. Don't make this a habit, get well soon, hurry home. I'm continuing to think positive thoughts for you for a speedy recovery! XOXOO, Robbin