Thursday, September 15, 2011

Binder free

So much for sleeping! One of my doctors came in to talk to me about pain management and look at the incision site. He said all looks good. He took the binder (like a girdle) off too. Now that I don't have the tight binder around my stomach, it makes it easier to breath. I haven't tried to sit up or move without it on yet.
Here are today's goals; walk around the nurses station on four different occasions. Sit up in the chair next to my bed for at least 3 hours and pass gas. That's right, the first question everyone asks when they walk in the door is have you passed gas yet?? The answer is no, which means my bowels are still waking up. I'm sure I'll be excited to report my first gas post op...
The dressing around my incision has been removed. I'm too afraid to see my scar still. I don't know why or when I'll be ready, I just know it's not now. I'll report the progress on today's goals tonight. XOXO